Cost effective 3-beam ultrasonic flowmeter for custody transfer of liquid hydrocarbons
- Excellent long-term stability and high reliabilty
- Eliminates maintenance
- Non-intrusive, no moving parts; no pressure loss, no wear
- Compliant with OIML R-117 and API
KROHNE’s ALTOSONIC III offers decisive advantage over conventional, mechanical flowmeters in custody transfer metering applications. The absence of obstructions in the pipe and moving parts results in no wear and no pressure loss.
The benefits this brings are maintenance free operation and simplified meter run configuration (smaller pump capacity, no filters required). This results in considerable cost savings in both capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operation expenditure (OPEX).
- Cost effective alternative for conventional flowmeters like turbines or PD meters
- Large dynamic range
- Light weight and compact to build-in
- Bi-directional flow measurement
- Easy integration with any approved (existing) flow computer
- Integrated diagnostics
- Oil & Gas
- Refineries
- Petrochemical
- Refined product pipeline measurement
- Rail wagon and truck loading
- Terminal on- and off-loading
- Pipeline leak detection
- Custody transfer
- Fiscal metering
- Duty metering
- Allocation metering